
Most of the basic configuration is in a nomad closure in the nextflow.config file


        address = "http://localhost:4646"
        token = "YOUR_NOMAD_TOKEN"
        connectionTimeout = 6000
        readTimeout = 6000
        writeTimeout = 6000
        retryConfig = {
            delay = 500
            maxDelay = 90
            maxAttempts = 10
            jitter = 0.25


        namespace = 'nf-nomad'
        deleteoncompletion = false

        volumes = [
              { type "host" name "scratchdir" },
              { type "csi" name "nextflow-fs-volume" },
              { type "csi" name "nextflow-fs-volume" path "/var/data" readOnly true}

        constraints = {
            node {
                unique = [ name: 'nomad01' ]

        spreads = {
            spread = [ name:'node.datacenter', weight: 50 ]

        secrets {
            enabled = true


Client configuration

  • address: The URL for the nomad server node.

  • token: If the cluster is protected you must to provide a token.

  • connectionTimeout: The maximum time to wait before giving up on establishing a connection with the cluster (default 6000 ms).

  • readTimeout: The maximum time to wait before indicating inability to read from the connection (default 6000 ms).

  • writeTimeout: The maximum time to wait before indicating inability to write to the connection (default 6000 ms).

  • retryConfig.delay: Delay when retrying failed API requests (default: 500ms).

  • retryConfig.jitter: Jitter value when retrying failed API requests (default: 0.25)

  • retryConfig.maxAttempts: Max attempts when retrying failed API requests (default: 10)

  • retryConfig.maxDelay: Max delay when retrying failed API requests (default: 90s)

Jobs configuration

  • deleteOnCompletion: A boolean indicating if the job will be removed once completed

  • datacenters: A list of datacenters for the job submission.

  • region: The region for job submission.

  • namespace: The namespace to be used for all Nextflow jobs.

  • volumeSpec: The volumes which should be accessible to the jobs.

  • affinitiesSpec: The affinities which should be attached to the job spec.

  • constraintsSpec: The constraints which should be attached to the job spec.

  • spreadsSpec: The spreads spec which should be used with all generated jobs.

  • rescheduleAttempts: Number of rescheduling (to a different node) attempts for the generated jobs.

  • restartAttempts: Number of restart (on the same node) attempts for the generated jobs.

  • secretOpts: The configuration for Nomad Secret Store.

  • dockerVolume, DEPRECATED

  • affinitySpec, DEPRECATED

  • constraintSpec, DEPRECATED

Debug configuration

  • debug: Enabling this flag will dump the job definitions for troubleshooting.

Secrets configuration

  • enabled: A boolean flag to indicate the usage of Nomad secrets store.

  • path: Path of the nomad secret to be used.