process '4_rnaseq_gatk_recalibrate' { tag "$replicateId" (1) input: file genome from genome_file (2) file index from genome_index_ch (3) file dict from genome_dict_ch (4) set replicateId, file(bam), file(bai) from splitted_bam_ch (5) set file(variants_file), file(variants_file_index) from prepared_vcf_ch (6) output: set sampleId, file("${replicateId}.final.uniq.bam"), file("${replicateId}.final.uniq.bam.bai") into (final_output_ch, bam_for_ASE_ch) (7) script: sampleId = replicateId.replaceAll(/[12]$/,'') """ # Indel Realignment and Base Recalibration java -jar $GATK -T BaseRecalibrator \ --default_platform illumina \ -cov ReadGroupCovariate \ -cov QualityScoreCovariate \ -cov CycleCovariate \ -knownSites ${variants_file} \ -cov ContextCovariate \ -R ${genome} -I ${bam} \ --downsampling_type NONE \ -nct ${task.cpus} \ -o final.rnaseq.grp java -jar $GATK -T PrintReads \ -R ${genome} -I ${bam} \ -BQSR final.rnaseq.grp \ -nct ${task.cpus} \ -o final.bam # Select only unique alignments, no multimaps (samtools view -H final.bam; samtools view final.bam| grep -w 'NH:i:1') \ |samtools view -Sb - > ${replicateId}.final.uniq.bam (8) # Index BAM files samtools index ${replicateId}.final.uniq.bam (9) """ }
1 | tag line with the using the replicate id as the tag. |
2 | the genome fasta file. |
3 | the genome index from the genome_index_ch channel created in the process 1A_prepare_genome_samtools . |
4 | the genome dictionary from the genome_dict_ch channel created in the process 1B_prepare_genome_picard . |
5 | the set containing the split reads from the splitted_bam_ch channel created in the process 3_rnaseq_gatk_splitNcigar . |
6 | the set containing the filtered/recoded VCF file and the tab index (TBI) file from the prepared_vcf_ch channel created in the process 1D_prepare_vcf_file . |
7 | the set containing the replicate id, the unique bam file and the unique bam index file which goes into two channels. |
8 | line specifying the filename of the output bam file <9> |