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Customising parameters

The following parameters are currently available:

  • traceFile: Name of the TXT carbon footprint report containing the energy consumption, the estimated CO2 emission and other relevant metrics for each task. Default: co2footprint_trace_<timestamp>.txt.
  • summaryFile: Name of the TXT carbon footprint summary file containing the total energy consumption and the total estimated CO2 emission of the pipeline run. Default: co2footprint_summary_<timestamp>.txt.
  • reportFile: Name of the HTML report containing information about the entire carbon footprint, overview plots and more detailed task-specific metrics. Default: co2footprint_report_<timestamp>.html.
  • ci: Carbon intensity of the respective energy production. Available regions can be found here, otherwise you can use data from ElecricityMaps, to find out locally more accurate CI. Mutually exclusive with the location parameter. Default: 475.
  • location: location code to automatically retrieve a location-specific CI value. For countries, these are ISO alpha-2 codes. For regions, it’s the ISO alpha-2 code for the country, followed by an identifier for the state, e.g. US-CA for “California, USA”. You can find the available data here. Mutually exclusive with the ci parameter. Default: null.
  • pue: Power usage effectiveness, efficiency coefficient of the data centre. For local cluster you can usually find out your specific PUE at the system administrators or system managers. Also the current yearly worldwide average could be used. Default: 1.67.
  • powerdrawMem: power draw from memory. Default: 0.3725.
  • customCpuTdpFile: Input CSV file containing custom CPU TDP data. This should contain the following columns: model,TDP,n_cores,TDP_per_core. Note that this overwrites TDP values for already provided CPU models. You can find the by default used TDP data here. Default: null.
  • ignoreCpuModel: ignore the retrieved Nextflow trace cpu_model name and use the default CPU power draw value. This is useful, if the cpu model information provided by the linux kernel is not correct, for example, in the case of VMs emulating a different CPU architecture. Default: false.
  • powerdrawCpuDefault: the default value used as the power draw from a computing core. This is only applied if the parameter ignoreCpuModel is set or if the retrieved cpu_model could not be found in the given CPU TDP data. Default: 12.0.