Configuration of the nf-co2footprint plugin
General usage
To test if the plugin works on your system please follow the quick start guide (Quick Start) on a small pipeline like nextflow-io/hello.
You can adjust the nf-co2footprint plugin parameters in your config file as follows:
plugins {
id 'nf-co2footprint@1.0.0-beta'
def co2_timestamp = new java.util.Date().format( 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss')
co2footprint {
traceFile = "${params.outdir}/co2footprint/co2footprint_trace_${co2_timestamp}.txt"
reportFile = "${params.outdir}/co2footprint/co2footprint_report_${co2_timestamp}.html"
summaryFile = "${params.outdir}/co2footprint/co2footprint_summary_${co2_timestamp}.txt"
ci = 300
pue = 1.4
Include the config file for your pipeline run using the -c
Nextflow parameter, for example as follows:
Cloud computations
At the moment the nf-co2footprint can not natively support cloud computations.
This is not tested and might not work as intended, but cloud native support will be implemented soon.
If you are still keen to get insights into your CO2 you could try to find out the following and append it to your config:
- The location and hereby CI of your instance.
- The PUE of the data center, where the instance is located
- The power draw per core of your selected instance.
- If available the power draw of the memory per GB.
Your configuration could look something like:
plugins {
id 'nf-co2footprint@1.0.0-beta'
def co2_timestamp = new java.util.Date().format( 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss')
co2footprint {
traceFile = "${params.outdir}/co2footprint/co2footprint_trace_${co2_timestamp}.txt"
reportFile = "${params.outdir}/co2footprint/co2footprint_report_${co2_timestamp}.html"
summaryFile = "${params.outdir}/co2footprint/co2footprint_summary_${co2_timestamp}.txt"
ci = 300
pue = 1.4
ignoreCpuModel = true
powerdrawCpuDefault = 8
powerdrawMem = 0.3725
GPU computations
So far tracking of GPU driven computations are not implemented, and functionality might be impaired.